Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Ice Jelly Cocktail

Didn’t cook much today. Had some leftover Guo Tie from yesterday I’m too lazy to pan fry so I dump everything in the hot oil and Deep Fry Guo Tie is what I had for lunch.

Made Ice Jelly Cocktail today. Not in the mood to bake or cook feel so tiring.

Ice Jelly Cocktail

1 packet of Ice Jelly Powder
1 liter of water
1 tin of fruit cocktail
Calamari (lime)

1. Pour 1 packet of ice jelly powder into 1 liter of water and bring to boil.
2. Let the solution cool and in the refrigerator.
3. Serve chilled with fruits cocktail and calamari juice.


jadepearl said...

Wah...very shiok! I am sure your DH is a very contented man! :)
Kudus and keep up the good work!

Have not gain enough courage to try the dumplings recipe...*blush*

Jasmine Riko said...

Is he contented I wasn’t too sure but he couldn’t stand me nagging. :lol:

jadepearl said...

lol..I guess most men cannot stand that!

Jasmine Riko said...

True true... lol

Anonymous said...

Calamansi is lime.calamari is squid

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