Thursday, January 26, 2006

Almond Butter Crisp

More almond cookies and here are my Almond Butter Crisp. I had added the almond bits for extra crunchy bite.

Almond Butter Crisp
Makes 100

360g butter
300g castor sugar
2 egg yolks
1 tsp vanilla essence
1/4 tp almond essence
180g self-raising flour
300g plain flour
Almond slices for decoration

1. Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in egg yolks, vanilla and almond essence and salt. Sift in flours and mix well.
2. Shape teasponful of mixture into small ballls and place on greased trats. Press sliced almond into the centre and bake in preheated 175C for 15 minutes or until light golden brown in colour.
3. Cool on wire rackbefore storing in airtight containers.

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