Sunday, October 23, 2005

Y3K Recipes Magazine

Finally got my Y3K Recipes Magazine Issue 26! Inside there’s quite a numbers of recipe I liked especially the Kow Yoke, Xiao Loong Bao, Dim Sum and Paus.


Anonymous said...

Hello to Jas,

I have been trying desperately to find a recipe for "kow yoke" would you be able to help?

Have tried contacting Y3K Magazine but have not heard, maybe its because I live in Canada.

I'd really appreciate your help


Jasmine Riko said...


Previously I think I had shares a kow yoke recipe before. I guess due to the different way we called it, I guess you might have over look it. ^^

Here is the link that I had share previously:

But never mind I had post the kow yoke recipes from Y3 for you too. I’m not sure which kow yoke you referring at, plus there are two kow yoke recipes in Y3K. I had post them in a new thread. Hope their are what you looking for.

Link to Y3K recipes:

Anonymous said...

What about the Xiao Long bao recipe from this magazine. I live in SF and longing to eat this sumptious dumpling after tasting it at Din Dai Fung once...

Jasmine Riko said...


Sorry for the late reply. Kinda busy. Can i type of the recipe out for you later? Once i got more time.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jas... when you get the time.. I'll be waiting

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