Friday, October 21, 2005

Green Tea Soufflé Cheesecake

Made Green Tea Soufflé Cheesecake today.

Verdict: Light and moist and it has a strong aroma of green tea.

Green Tea Soufflé Cheesecake

200g milk
100g whipping cream
1 tbsp Matcha green tea powder

125g cream cheese

30 flour
30g corn flour

3 egg yolks

4 egg whites
1/8 tsp cream of tartar
100g sugar

1. Grease and line bottom of two 18 cm pans. Cover the outside of the pan in foil.
2. Mix (A) until well blended. Add (B) and mix until well combined. Place it over double-boiler.
3. Add (C) and mix until well blended. Add (D) and mix until well blended.
4. Whip the egg white in (E) until foamy. Then add the remaining (E) ingredients> continue whipping until soft peaks are formed. Fold it into the cheese mixture from step (3). Mix until well incorporated.
5. Pour the cheese filling onto the prepared pans. Bake in water bath at 160C for 50 – 60 minutes or until set and golden brown. Remove the cake from the oven.
6. Remove the cake from pan immediately. Set aside to cool. If you leave the cake to cool complete in the pan, the cake will shrink a lot.


Jasmine Riko said...

Hi Yen,
Oh thanks and sorry. Yes it 30g of flour. I wasn’t too sure why it was like pudding. For mine it quite moist too.

Anonymous said...

hi jas,

ur mixture prolly wasn't cooked enuf .. i followed ur recipe and baked 50mins in a 19cm tin .. and all was fully cooked ..

my only problem was that my cake didnt come out as thick and well shaped as urs ... what kind of mould/tin u used .. i used a nonstick mould that can be removed at the side .... and how full did u pour the mixture .. i poured mine till 3/4 full and it rised to the same of a mushroom when baking .. it was scary to see =_=


Anonymous said...

Hi Jas, wht cake tin measurement did u use to bake this cake in? And how long did u bake?


Anonymous said...

Hey! Did you get this recipe from Alex Goh's Cheesecake book? I have the book and the recipe is exactly the same - even the ABCDE ordering and the "shrink a lot" part at the end. Maybe source your references?

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