Thursday, October 13, 2005


Baked Peach Yogurt Cheesecake today. I wanted to bake this cheesecake since last one two week ago. Before I could take a photo of the cheesecake and it becomes THIS!!! Darn darn darn…

I’m already very sad and groan in pain cause my thigh and toes got scald by the hot cheesecake. My mom she wasn’t asking me am I alright and yet still provoke me say “see lah take what photo one whole cake gone already”.

Arghh… damn I put a lot of afford in the Baked Peach Yogurt Cheesecake. While I’m trying to take the photo of the cheesecake and it fall frontward on me. Can you imagine how hot a cheesecake which merely out from oven? OUCH~~~


myCoffee said...

I feel sorry for you too. All the hard work gone, not to mention the "ouch" factor too. :( Hope you are ok.

Jasmine Riko said...

Hi mycoffee,

Thanks mycoffee, yah I’m okay lucky didn’t get blister. I’m still mourning for my cheesecake. Hee hee.

Jasmine Riko said...

Hi Connie,

Thanks for your concern, wah 2 hours so long?! The cheesecake I took 2 hours plus to baked is his Boston Cheesecake. Did you miss out the flour? The one I drop I totally forgotten about the flour and it kinda wet in the center. The one I baked yesterday with flour added it quite okay firm on the center and moist from inside. Or is it possible you did not cream the cheese mixture till “Thick” form? It should be very creamy. So far I’ve come across my own cheesecake they are “wet” before chill and they are slightly firm after it chill well also it depend how you store your cheesecake in the refrigerator.

I did not drain the peach either when I took them out from the tin in halves, slices and set aside. When the cracker base is ready I just attach those peach slices on the side of the pan.

Jasmine Riko said...

Hi Connie,

No questions is dumb my dear. Aren’t we learning from asking. :wink:

Base on Alex Goh’s latest “Fantastic Cheesecake” cookbook. For cooling: Leave the cake in the pan and let it cool to room temperature. Then cover it with cling film or foil to prevent the cakes from dying and absorb the odors in the refrigerator. Refrigerator it for 5 hours or overnight.

Normally I bake cheesecake with greaseproof paper on the side and base. So the cake won’t stick to the side when removing from the tin slowly remove the paper from the side.

And for transferring the cake I can’t think a better way other than transfer the cake with the paper from the base to the round aluminum cake base.

Frances said...

Hi Jas,

Was browsing your blog then I saw the pic of the cake on the floor. Any scars on your thigns? mind, must be super pain it's so hot! Worse of all to see the cake like that! If it;s me, I would really cry! Glad to see you succeeded the next time round!

Jasmine Riko said...


Thanks for your concern, nah there wasn’t any scars. It very hot when it falls on me I jump up from my chair and run to the toilet, wash my leg with the running tap hopping it doesn’t get blister. :lol:

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