Friday, December 09, 2005

Mini Mantou & Silver Shreds Roll

Made Mini Mantou & Silver Shreds Roll today. Aren’t they cute?


Fonia said...

They look so cute... I like the Steamed ones most! Soooo snowy white, at first I thought they were DUCK EGGS... Silly me huh!?

Jasmine Riko said...


LOL, yah hor it looks like eggs plus they deep fry one there is an egg too! I thought putting an egg there shows how small the mantou is. Heehee. No lah where got silly.

Jasmine Riko said...

Thanks Lynn. ^^

FooDcrazEE said...

yummy. r u gonna cook some hong bak or something like dat to go along with these cute lil mantou ? can i have some ? chuckle

Tazz said...

Jas, your Mini Mantous look so cute! *lol*

Anonymous said...

Hi Jas, your mini Mantous look so smooth ad cute, can share recipe?

rokh said...

yum yum! finger licking good or rather eyes looking good ;)

Jasmine Riko said...

Eh, in fact I bough some pork belly thought of making “Kow Yoke & Kow Yoke Bao”. And mom saw the pork belly sit in the freezer for a week plus then she use it to braised tao pok. *Grumble* Guess she didn’t cooked long enough the meat kind of “tough”.

Got! I ate few pieces of them with the leftover braised meat! *Fattening* lol I got another recipe mainly for the “Kow Yoke Bao”.

Thanks Eve, I didn’t expected it turns out to be so small. Heehee

Thanks Amelia, sure! Will post out the recipe.

Thanks Rach, ^^

roseycup said...

Hello Jas, I am liking the look of your mini mantou. I have been struggling to get mine to look pearly white. Any chance you could share the recipe please, even though this site is like a few years old. :)

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