Thursday, December 01, 2005

Bread Pudding II

I know DH wasn’t happy since I met "him" on the Saturday night. So I baked DH’s favorites Bread Pudding to cheer him up. Hmmm.... But who’s going to cheer me when I’m not happy? Sigh~~~

NOVEMBER 02, 2005, 05:38pm.

Made Bread Pudding again which DH requested for. After the first Bread Pudding he had been bugging me for the 2nd Bread Pudding. Okay time to grant what he asked for, cause usually he wont make such request.

I had increase the previously recipe. I guess I had over stuff my 7” inch spring form pan with 10 slices of whole meal bread, 3 eggs and 500ml of milk! And the whole Bread Pudding got over-flow the pan and the base is leaking! Perhaps I shouldn’t have use spring form pan in the beginning. Plus I forgotten to remove the bread crust it might looks burn but it wasn’t, in fact the crust turns “Crispy”.

I went to Eve’s blog, hers Bread Pudding was so nicely baked and nicely remove from the pan. *Envy* Alas, she doesn’t quite fancy about it. LOL


Tazz said...

Jas, *lol* Now I appreciate my Bread Pudding more after seeing your second Pudding pic!

Jasmine Riko said...


LOL, I thought making it looks like a rose bud but alas. Sigh lol.

myCoffee said...

I think your BP looks delicious! I can almost imagine the taste of it. You seem to bake my fave desserts all the time, first cheesecakes and now Bread Pudding. :)

Jasmine Riko said...


Thanks for the compliment. :D Eh you too! You seem to bake all my favorites breads and cakes! I wanted to try out the bread, thinking of kneading the dough eh very tiring.

FooDcrazEE said...

what a lucky DH....cheers urself by cooking, Jas

rokh said...

looking sinfully delicious.

Fonia said...

Jan, Your Bread Pudding looks so delicious! Is it the kind with custard? TIA...

Anonymous said...

hi there, is there a recipe for ur bread pudding? looks good! =)

Jasmine Riko said...

Thanks Fiona, Yah it custard.

Thanks, The recipe is under "Bread Pudding" not in this "Bread Pudding II". Hope you will like it. ^^

Sorry for the late reply.

Jasmine Riko said...


I won’t cook and eat to cheer myself. Cause I’m on diet now! Eh Hahaha! :P

Thanks Rach ^^

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