Monday, May 01, 2006

I'm back....

Hey bloggers, how you guys doing? I’m back for time being. Sorry I’ve had been MIA for so long. Been busy dating doctor and my dentist LOL I mean appointment lah. Got to keep up with the doctors appointment if not I got to waited donkey months to see them.

Sigh… that doctor is putting me on heavy dose of medicines that I balloon so much within weeks and month. Till I dare not cook nor bake.

At the same time my stupid computer die on me too. Without my computer sigh… miserable sia. But at least I got someone to keep me accompany *smirk* lol.


Tazz said...

Hey friend, hope things get better for you soon and you can continue with your hobby in the kitchen. ;)

culinary said...

now then you come back....a lot of pple looking for you...

welcome back, kitchen activates again.

Jasmine Riko said...

Hey Eve,
Thanks, hopefully or perhaps after I shed some KGS first LOL. I thought what am I suppose to continue with my “hubby” in the kitchen for?! Heehee...

Jasmine Riko said...

Hey Margaret,
Thanks, why looking for me? Heehee miss me not? :p

Little Corner of Mine said...

Welcome back! Yup, have been wondering about your absent.

Jasmine Riko said...

Hi Ching,

Thanks, I miss you guys too. ^^

Tazz said...

Hey Jas, *ahem* let the Kitchen God watch over your cooking and baking, not your wrestling stunts with hubby lah! *snigger*

But! Wrestling stunts do help you shed some kilos though... hahahahahaha

Unknown said...

Hi Jas, great to see you back, I've been visting, only to be disappointed each time. Now that you're back, hope to see new creations from you ;) Hope your health will get better soon ya.

FooDcrazEE said...

been a long time...welcome back

Jasmine Riko said...


Hi Angie,
Thanks, doing pretty good. :D

Yah manz, it been long time ago. Thanks.

jadepearl said...

Welcome back!!! :)

rokh said...

welcome back too

Fonia said...

*Waving*... Welcome come back Jas,! U chose to come back on 'Labour Day'huh... *Lolz*

Bless you well with good health! Take good care ya.

Anonymous said...

hi Jas, good to see you again.

Anonymous said...

I hope you will go on keeping these pages alive because I really enjoy reading them and your recipes. I also like the way you break down the steps with photos included. You are really fantastic

Anonymous said...

Halo, great that u r back... Btw, does any1 know how to cook "pearls"? Those in bubbles tea...

Anonymous said...

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