Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Asian Delights By Betty Saw

Jingle, she went to the book fair at Singapore Expo last few days ago. She bought me this Asian Delights by Betty Saw. There are 250 recipes for only 10 buck! Aiseh, really cheap!

Supposedly meeting Jingle next week and collect the cookbook from her. Itchy mouth, asked her what’s the contents is. The contents make me real excited supposedly meeting Jingle next Monday to collect the cookbook from her. But then I was so eager eh can’t wait and I gone down to collected the cookbook from Jingle. LOL

Okay back to the list of recipes let see what it has. Chinese snacks, Dim Sum, Malay Delights, Kuih Muih, Indian Fare, Sugar and Spice, Cake and Bakes, Cookies, Buns & Pastries, Jelly and Miscellaneous. LOL excited?

First published in 1989 and reprinted 1992, 1994, 1997 and 2001. Hmm... 1989 sounds old huh? Who cares, definitely not me. Heehee

Jingle, she so sweet to shares and shows me what she had learnt in the CC. She printed the recipes and noted down the notes and makes it into a book. And she carries it to the MRT station to show me!!! Sweet right? Thanks Jingle for all the works. ^^


culinary said...

aiyo, nothing great, just show you nia.

Jasmine Riko said...

Gam Tong mah. Heehee

siddiqa said...

i just bought " asian high tea favourites" by betty saw and am about to try a recipe!

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