Tuesday, December 20, 2005


After I had putting myself a strictly diet. Finally I got outbreak? I was like a hungry ghost escape from the seventh month gate. I eat and eat and eat until I gained 4 kg!!! Darn it so easily to gain weight and losing weight seems like taking forever.

I had to put myself on a more strictly diet plan. This time I felt like I’m a rabbit only cabbage and carrot. Of course some dressing too don’t expected me to eat it raw! After eating this stuff for a couple of days manage to lose 2 kg only! //-.-\

1 green cabbage
1 carrot
2 red big onions

1 tsp sugar
A pinch of pepper
A pinch of salt

Raisin (optimal)
Sunflower Seeds (optional)

1. Wash and drain the green. Finely chopped the greens and mix evenly.
2. Add in the dressing and toss well.
3. Refrigerator and serve chill.


Tazz said...

Funny your weight can differ within days or weeks. Mine forever stagnant at 50.5kg. :(

Jasmine Riko said...

I guess because of the hyper thyroid. Heehee good mah Eve, you don’t have to worry about putting on weight. :P

culinary said...

looks tasty.....

Jasmine Riko said...


Thanks, actually wasn't taste that bad. Perhaps not so used to be "Rabbit". :p

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