Wednesday, December 14, 2005

And Again.


FooDcrazEE said...

so many recipe book ? i cant read chinese ler...banana

Jasmine Riko said...

Yah, on offer 5 for $12/- I can’t really read Chinese too. I’ll go OXOX XOXO. Aiyah slowly read then roughly one sentences is form. I tell you those with Chinese wording but in Cantonese make it even worst. LOL

Tazz said...

Reading Chinese and Cantonese is no problem for me. I am only scared of the names of ingredients which I am unfamiliar with. In HK forums, they label so many different types of cream as simply cream. *faint*

culinary said...

hehe, i bought some too

Jasmine Riko said...

Heehee next time can ask you how to read. I come across the "cream" in HK forum too. I had to note them down and double confirm it everytime.

Oh, I think the taiwanese chinese laggi "chimz".

culinary said...

no problem, just ask me online can liao.

Jasmine Riko said...

Orh, thanks! ^^

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