Sunday, November 20, 2005

Mini Sausage Roll

Trying to get rid of the old bread and I made this Mini Sausage Roll nighttime snack yesterday. And I manage to get rid some of the egg whites too!

Mini Sausage Roll

Bread, remove the crust and flatten it with rolling pin
Mini sausage or Chicken franks
Mayonnaise sauce
Egg whites or egg, lightly beaten
Oil, for deep-frying

Spread mayonnaise on the flatten bread.
Place the sausage on the side of the bread, roll and seal. Cut into 3 mini rolls.
Dip bread roll into the egg white and roll it with breadcrumb.
Deep fry roll in hot oil till golden brown.

One slice of bread makes 3 mini rolls. Make as much as you like. ^^


Anonymous said...

how come bo jio me to eat this
i was hungry last nite

myCoffee said...

These look so cute! Can you tell me how you made them? I have plenty of frozen egg whites sitting in my fridge. ;)

Jasmine Riko said...

My Coffee,

Thanks, I had post the recipe they are very easy to make. Hope you will like it.

Jasmine Riko said...


How come? You didn’t cook yesterday? Or are you protesting? Heehee. :P

Anonymous said...

see your blog, full liao, no need to cook.


Jasmine Riko said...


LOL, BTH you. So when are you going to make me full. :P

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