Friday, November 25, 2005

Char Siew Taro Puff

Made these Char Siew Taro Puffs using Jingle’s Taro Puff dough. I make the char siew filling to suit myself! Yes, myself! LOL

Verdict: Mom likes it but find it too sweet. DH still prefers the savory filling and me, my sweet tooth still prefer the char siew one. Heehee

Char Siew Filling:
250g char siew, diced
60g big onions, diced

1 ½ tsp light soy sauce
¼ tsp salt
¼ tsp monosodium glutamate
1 tsp sesame oil
A pinch of pepper
1 tbsp oyster sauce
2 – 3 tbsp sugar
½ - 1 tbsp water
½ tsp tapioca flour
1 tsp flour
1 tbsp toasted sesame seeds

1. Heat oil and stir-fry diced onions. Add in char siew.
2. Mix in seasoning and blend well and add in sesame seeds.
3. Remove filling and leave aside to cool. Keep in the refrigerator to slightly harden the filling.


rokh said...

looking really crunchy!

FooDcrazEE said...

nice....leave some for me too ?

Tazz said...

Jas, you are a real fast worker. Me always have to think so long before trying a new recipe. :P

Jasmine Riko said...


These taro puffs are so light and not oily. DH loves the savory taro puffs so much!


Thanks, which express would you like to use? I will express them to you :P


I’ve been thinking of it too. These taro puffs are under my cook list for very long. If not Jingle I might not have motivates to do it. LOL

Fonia said...

Wow... Jas, Nice puffs and they did't look like those selling outside, SO OILY!? :(

Anonymous said...

at last you make it...

good job

keep it up.

Jasmine Riko said...

Thanks Fiona,

I guess those taro puffs sold outside have put out too long that they sweat with oil. Heehee Mine will sweat too! Guess that the reason it has to be serve hot.

Jasmine Riko said...

Thanks Jingle,

Yah, thanks for sharing a wonderful recipe.

Anonymous said...

no problem

just let me know if you need certain recipe, if i hv i will share with you.

Jasmine Riko said...

Thanks Jingle, *muackz*

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