Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Back to School?! Zzzz...

Yes! I’m going to Jia Lei for domestic class today!! Yeah yeah yeah!!! Quite surprising DH allow me to go out alone and yet all the way to Bugis, don’t get the wrong idea it not he doesn’t allow me to go out. It because of my weak legs he afraid I might falls and can’t get up myself. Ahem seriously once I fall I need someone or two people to lift me up sound scary huh as I weight ton! LOL

DH keeps remind me be careful I’m wasn’t worry at first and now I’m kinda worry now. What if my legs suddenly goes wobble? Darn him LOL!!! From yesterday I’ve been very careful what I had ate and drink less water. I’m afraid if the class started and if I keeps running to the toilet ermm... not so good huh. All right getting prepare for class, thought class start at 2:15pm! So kiasu LOL


FooDcrazEE said...

hm.. what a life... relaxing and enjoying domestic classes. ur DH is really good.

Tazz said...

Jas, hope everything goes on smoothly for you!

Anonymous said...

i was looking through ur blog n it's very interesting. as i've just recently been bitten by the baking fever, i wan to ask u if ur sponge cake is a tad 'hard' or 'elastic'? My fren tried alex goh's boston cheesecake but had lots of problem with the sponge base. i'm tempted to try it cos i go 'gaga' over cheesecakes but a little worried bout the base. can u help?
thanks a million!

Jasmine Riko said...


LOL I’ve been spending most of the time at home. Once a while has to go out have some fresh air if not I’m covered with cobweb lol. Eh DH he more like a block of wood if I known I would have marry to a tress rather than marry to him LOL. :P

Jasmine Riko said...

Thanks Eve, so far so good, I’m back home safe and soundly. Heehee. I’m home with legs ache.

Jasmine Riko said...


Actually I got my sponge cake base for Boston Cheesecake wrongly done too it should be spongy I guess but mine was “heavy” which I believe I under whisk the mixture. However I did the same sponge cake base for other cheesecakes again. This time I had whip the mixture long enough and yes they are better than the first.

I’m not too sure which sponge cake recipes your friend used. Cause there is 4 types of sponge cake recipes in alex goh’s cookbook. I use the “Sponge Mix Flour” recipe. If you are using this recipe just make sure you “Mix high speed for 10 minutes, and reduce to medium speed mix for 3 to 5 minutes”. The mixture should be “Very Thick”.

I bought a Fantastic Cheesecake by Alex Goh too on the book it said, “The creamy cheese filling goes well with spongy soft cake base, crispy pastry crust or the crunchy biscuit base. Of course it tastes great on its own with base too”. Hope it helps. ^^

Anonymous said...

thanks a million! i'll definately go try it once my exams r over! will definately keep in tune with this blog! it's a great foodie blog! HAPPY BAKING!

Jasmine Riko said...


Thank You *Smile*

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