Monday, October 17, 2005

Meme - Childhood memories of food

I have been tagged by Florence to continue this topic about childhood memories food. Hmm…has to be 5 childhood memories foods? I can’t remember much my memory is poor I guess I should give 2 of my childhood memories food then. :Laugh:

1. Carrot cake.
I used to visit the coffee shop opposite where I use to stay. There is a stall selling Fried Carrot Cake and Chwee Kueh. During the olden day eggs is quite expensive. The Carrot Cake seller wills either fried them without the egg or with a small mount of egg. Then we had to buy the eggs from the provision shop and bring it to the carrot cake seller asked him to add in the eggs. Well eggs is getting cheaper now guess no one will ever bring eggs to the carrot seller anymore. :Laugh:

2. A&W
When my mom is admitted to the hospital when she about to giving birth to my young sis. Daddy is the one who took care of my bro and me. I guess he didn’t know how to cook for us and keep bringing us to A&W for dinner. As a kid fast food is always a favorite to us. I miss their ice cream waffle and root beer float, too bad there wasn’t any A&W around anymore.

I’m done with my childhood memories foods. And now pass the baton to:

1. Evelyn - Tazz In The Kitchen
2. Judy - My Lazy Lifestyle

I felt so bad everyone’s is contribute 5 of their childhood memories foods and I only got 2. I went to some of the blog, which I frequently go to.

3. Bukit Merah Wan Kueh & Fried Rice
They’d refresh my memories one of them is from Evelyn. Hubby and I used to goes during our courtship. Usually go there for Wan Kueh or Fried Rice the uncle who sells Wan Kueh do sells Fried Rice too. Last 2 – 3 weeks ago out of sudden hubby said he misses the Fried Rice we haven’t been there like 5 years?! Of course let not forget about the Fried Fish Meat Bee Hoon and A&W.

4. Biscuits With Sugared Candy
Other thing is Judy’s Biscuit with Sugared candy. I had remembered I used to eat them while I’m young. I guess everyone’s has the own unique way of eating the biscuits like what foodcraze had said he would lick and finish the candy and throw the biscuit away. And I had my way of eating it too; first I’ll finish the biscuit then the sugared candy. I always had a habit of finish food, which is not so nice first. :lol:

5. Hong Lim Food Center
When I finished my NTC-3, straight away I found my first job as a sale assistant in a hobbies shop. So coincidental the shop name started with NTC too, what I know the shop has 3 owners the shop was been name by their surname. Gosh what am I talking about this shop?!

Okay back in the track, I remembered Hong Lim used to have a stall selling Mee Siam. First time come across Chinese couple selling Mee Siam something new to me. Later I found they wasn’t selling the ordinary Mee Siam, it Nyonya Style Mee Siam with Asam soup base. Taste a bit sour and spicy too bad they weren’t selling anymore.

On level 2 there a stall selling Ipoh Hor Fen or Crayfish hor fen, during the lunch hour you can see a very long queue. Everyone’s is queuing for their hor fen, to avoid queuing I usually goes after 2 and sometime they had already finishes everything. Few months back I went there and eat, I would say standard drops.

On level 2 too, one stall selling Bak Chang as good as before. This year somewhere near Dragon Boat Festival their changes shoot up to $3.50 per piece! Still there is lot of peoples buying although I bought some but I rather come back on the normal days.

On level 2 there is a stall selling char kuay toew I heard it from Outram Park they had shifted to Hong Lim.
And I heard their char kuay teow is good but too bad I haven’t got the chance to eat it.
There are plenty of good foods on the level 2, another stall selling Nasi Lemak very nice too. Still got Prawn Noodles. On level one there is Hainan Curry Mixed Rice and not forget about their thinly slice Pork Chop.

Of course the place is changing with new open stalls. I purposely went there for pasta, and the paste was only $4!!! The stall was introduced by U channel some sort of eating show and the Taiwanese chef Wen Hong or Ah Hong was there too.

I miss the foods there!!!

11.30 pm


Tazz said...

Good gal! Finally completed your assignment! Do you know this unofficial inspector *TAZZ* is going around to check all the blogs? *lol*

Tazz said...

Now I know why you have deleted Josh from your list. Impossible to post comment there! *lol*

Florence said...

Hardworking Tazz!

Florence said...

Hi Jas,
Thanks for responding!
Wan Kueh, I missed this too!

Jasmine Riko said...


:LOL: Yah, no matter how I try still can’t post the comment there. I so many time until I give up.

Jasmine Riko said...


No problem, a very nice way to refresh my memories. Hee Hee. I should find one day returns to Bukit Merah for Wan Kueh!

Frances said...

Hi Jas,
I ate the candy biscuits the way you eat also! Cos I always finish the not-so-nice part of the food first! LOL!

You reminded me of A&W used to have lots of these outlets in Singapore before they closed down ya?

Jasmine Riko said...


LOL, till now I still finish the part, which is not so nice and keep the best part later.

Yah, I usually go to the branch in Bukit Merah & Clementi. The one in clementi always crowded. I wonder why they closed down.

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