Friday, October 28, 2005

Marble Light Cheesecake

Marble swirl effect wasn’t nicely done. I got to much chocolate cheese batter and I started to panic and I pour all the chocolate cheese batter on the center. I should have spoon or pipe the chocolate cheese batter in.

Marble Light Cheesecake
Makes a 7” cheesecake

250g milk
20g butter

125g cream cheese

50g flour

3 egg yolks
1 tsp vanilla essence

3 egg whites
1/8 tsp cream of tartar
80g sugar
Pinch of salt

1 tsp chocolate paste

1. Grease a 7” spring form tin and line the bottom with paper.
2. Cook (A) until it boils. Cream (B) until smooth. Pour (A) into (B) and mix until well blended.
3. Add (C) and mix until well combined. Place it over double boiler. Mix until it thickens. Remove it from double boiler. Add (D) and mix until well blended.
4. Whip the egg whites in (E) until foamy. Then add the remaining (E) ingredients. Continue whipping until soft peaks. Add it into the cheese mixture from step (3). Mix until well incorporated. Reserve 100g of the cheese batter and mix it with (F) to make chocolate cheese batter.
5. Pour the plain cheese batter onto the prepared tin. Then drip the chocolate batter on the top. Swirl to make marble pattern.
6. Bake in water bath at 160C for 50 – 60 minutes or until the center is set and golden brown.
7. Remove the cake from the pan immediately. Set aside to cool. If you let the cake cool in the pan completely, it will shrink tremendously.


rokh said...

i'm into cheesecake recently. i'll definitely try this! yours look delish!

Jasmine Riko said...

Hi Rach,

Thanks, hopes you will likes it too. ^^

FooDcrazEE said...

hmmm it looks like its cheese cake season now. so many ppl is making cheese cake and how does that help me with my diet ? *sigh* miss boston cheese cake but i cant have them.....stick to the diet MIKE...

can i have some Jas ?

Tazz said...

Jas, the theme at Nurkochen this week is Cream Cheese. You must participate, hear that? *lol*

jadepearl said...

wah...marble to watch my waist line like that?

Jasmine Riko said...


Oh, they’re in making cheesecake? Hurray can’t wait to see their delicious cakes! Sure, as much as you want, but you’ve to set your diet plan aside first. :P

Jasmine Riko said...


I made pasta yesterday, with some cream cheese is that counted? Heehee. No more cream cheese left, can’t join in the fun. :(

Jasmine Riko said...


Eat first diet later? Heehee :P

Anonymous said...'re quite into cheesecakes lately. Yummieee! ^-^ Your marble cheesecake looks great to me. Is it like a sponge cake cheese cake or a lighter version of a new york style one?

Jasmine Riko said...

Hi Tea,

Thanks, yeah! I’m crazy about cheesecakes hopefully there’s more cheesecake coming up. Heehee. No it wasn’t like sponge cake, it more like Japanese light cheesecake? Very light and moist :D

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