Friday, October 14, 2005

Baked Peach Yogurt Cheesecake

Made Baked Peach Yogurt Cheesecake again. Hmm… it is true that the first one is always the prettiest? I’m not so happy about the look of the cheesecake today. Wasn’t as pretty as yesterday one. Yesterday cheesecake has a nicely golden brown surface I don’t have to decoration it. Today one there’s some brown spot and small crack although not to obvious. Plus while doing the glazing I guess I had brush too hard on the surface and some of the surface came off!!! I hardly do glazing on the cheesecake I don’t know what got me today itchy butt do what glazing. End up dusting some icing sugar on top the cheesecake.

Verdict: Taste wise very good like those cheesecake sold outside very moist and tasty not too heavy but can’t really taste the peach unless you had bite on the thin slices peach from the side. But I personally think it will taste better if peach can roughly chopped and added in the cheese mixture.

Baked Peach Yogurt Cheesecake
Make a 7” inch

7” thin round vanilla sponge cake

Cheese Filling:
250g cream cheese
25g sugar
25g butter

25g flour

½ egg
1 ½ egg yolks

75g yogurt

1 ½ egg whites
35g sugar
Pinch of salt

150g peaches, cut into slices

1. Cream (A) till light and fluffy.
2. Add (B) and mix till well blended.
3. Add (C) and cream till smooth.
4. Add (D) and mix till well combined.
5. Whip (E) till stiff. Mix with the cheese mixture till well incorporated.
6. Place the thin layer of vanilla sponge cake into a 7” round mould. Then place (F) the peach slices on top.
7. Pour the cheese mixture on top. Bake at 160C in water bath for 60 minutes.

1. For the base, I go for cream cracker base. Finely crushed about 80g of cream cracker add and mix well with 50g melted butter. Press mixture onto bottom of 7” spring pan and refrigerate for 15 minutes or until film.
2. For the egg, yolk and white I round off to 1 egg, 2 yolks and 2 whites.
3. For the peach, I didn’t measure I use about 3 halves peaches. I cut them into thin slices and attach them to the side of a 7” round spring pan. The rest chopped roughly and add in to the cheese mixture after yogurt is added.
4. For the baking time, as usually I extend the baking timing by 20 minutes. I bake at 160C for 80 minutes.


KikayC said...

I'm definitely book marking your page. I can make use of some of your recipes. I hope you don't mind.

Jasmine Riko said...

Hi Tina,

Please don’t say that. I would loves to share them with you. ^^ By the way some of the recipes are from friends in forum or blog and cookbook wasn’t really mine *blush*. I hope you’ll like it too. :D

Florence said...

Hi Jas,

Nice cake!

I have tagged you:

Jasmine Riko said...

Hi Florence,

Thanks, sure I’ll continue tagging.

Anonymous said...

Hi jas,
I made this cake yesterday but not really successful. The biscuit base separated when i cut the cake and the texture was really rough not smooth.

Jasmine Riko said...

Hi Mei,

Sorry for the late reply. I got no idea why the base and the cheese filling got separated. But could it be not insufficient butter? Hmm… rough? Mixing it important too.

You have to make sure that the cream cheese is beat or cream until smooth before adding in the liquid ingredients like eggs, cream, yogurt, sour cream, juices, liqueur etc.

Cause these ingredients are added it is impossible to remove the lumps that are formed. HTHs

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